01623 812612

Specialists in:

Hygienic PVC Sheet

Door and Wall Protection

Fire Evacuation Plans

Lock Down Plans

Illuminated Stair Nosings

Tactile Systems

Self-powered Tritium Signs

WP150 Data Sheet.pdf

Please click on the diagram above to open the datasheet to then download and save.

Tactile Crash Impact Rail

WP150(c) and WP150(i)  Wall Protection tactile systems are engineered to provide excellent impact protection against damage from trolleys, chairs, beds and mobile equipment and offer an alternative to our tactile wall mounted handrail.

With a  strontium based high output photoluminescent light source  giving excellent visual wayguidance and the unique tactile cues to provide directional information to visually impaired visitors and patients, it offers service providers a cost effective and common sense solution to some of their legislative requirements under Part III of the Disability Discrimination Act and helping to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, Section 9 - Healthcare Premises.

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SOS Waypoint Limited

Mill One, Pleasley Vale Business Park



NG19 8RL

Our services offer expert installation


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